The Electrical Inspectorate is a statutory body constituted under the provision of erstwhile Indian Electricity Act, 1910 now repealed by The Electricity Act, 2003 and came into existence in the State of Himachal Pradesh in 1973. The rules for implementation of various provisions of the Act were formed in 1956 widely known as Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, now as Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply), Regulations, 2023. The Department of Electrical Inspectorate is working under the administrative control of the Department M.P.P. & Power, Government of H.P. The Chief Electrical Inspector is the Head of the Department. At present, the Chief Electrical Inspector is also the Chairman of the State Licensing Board constituted by the H.P. Govt. vide notification No. MPP-A(3)-1/2017 dated 15/11/2021 under regulation 29 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply), Regulations, 2010. For better understanding of the department and to apprise the public of its utility, the organization must be viewed in the right perspective on the following parameters:

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